"Freedom of speech is words that they will bend, Freedom with their exception...."

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Bullshit Babble Part I

1. I'm addicted to coffee. I need to drink at least 16oz a day. AT LEAST. In the morning I will go to Dunkin Donuts and get a 16 oz hot coffee, iced coffee, latte or Coolata. Then, I will have my second coffee either at lunch, on the way home from work, or during the evening.

I can drink a large cup of coffee before bed and still fall asleep. It's in my veins.

2. I have a 16-month old nephew, he is also my Godson. He lives a 7-hour drive or a one-hour Flight away from me. I wish I could see him every day. I'd settle for every weekend.

3. I love the Mets. It isn't easy loving them, but is love ever easy? They are my team, through thick and thin. Coffee runs through the course of my veins, but if you cut me, I bleed blue and orange. Being a Mets fan has taught me important lessens for life: love, hate, anger, joy, sadness, disappointment, celebration and forgiveness. And let's not forget hope: there is always another pitch, another out, another at-bat, another inning, another game, another season. Wait till next year. There is always a second chance.

4. I love music. All types, except for the boy band (or shall I call them girl bands?) bubblegum pop shit. I also don't care for 99% of what is played on MTV, when they do decide to play music. I love a lot of the old 80s rock and metal. I also love Billy Joel. Basically, if you can write your own lyrics and write/perform your own music, I respect you, because it means it is actually your music, it means the words you sing and the music you play comes from your heart. You are sharing your emotions, your talent, not someone else's.

5. I love my job. I really do. I may not make much money, but I don't mind getting up in the morning and going to the office. I love my responsibilities at work, I love the people, I love the goals the company strives to achieve and does achieve. Isn't that more important than getting to that next box in the salary category of questionnaires?

6. I think I have met the best group of people, even when we bicker, through my love for Metallica. God Bless the internet!

7. I will always love New York, but I miss the old New York, the one I knew right up until September 10. 2001. I have a magnetic attraction to New York: whenever I fantasize about someday leaving, my emotions pull me back.

8. I went on a date with a man who told me: "I bet I can get you to fall in love with me and give up your cats." I wonder what ever happened to that guy? ;)

9. I'm not a fan of band-wagon Patriotism. Where were all the U.S. flags before 9-11? My same friends who teased me for having an American Flag bikini back in the 90s, have gone out and bought all sorts of U.S. Flag items in recent years. This bothers me because I am always proud of the U.S. Flag, even when it is not trendy.

10. The word hero gets tossed around a lot. My true hero is my paternal grandfather. He came to America when he was a teenager, learned the language, served in the United States Army, and raised a family. He was a painter (to this day people see my last name and ask if I am Freddy the painter's granddaughter), a husband, father and grandfather. And a homeowner. He passed on his Italian values to his children, yet raised Americans. He never forgot where he came from (Italy) but always had respect for America. He lived the American Dream. I respect people like that, this is also why I respect Lars Ulrich.


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