"Freedom of speech is words that they will bend, Freedom with their exception...."

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Creative Dilemma

Previously, I've mentioned that I was asked to contribute a Metallica-fan story for a book. I was flattered by this and immediately agreed to contribute. I already knew which story I would share. I submitted the very Blog I posted here about a month ago, titled SOME KIND OF TRUE STORY.

The editor came back with some comments, some of which make me uncomfortable. If you remember (if not go re-read the story!) I gave James Hetfield a print-out of a post I had written on the fan club message board aka Poor Posting me. The editor wants me to call it a letter, not a post. He also wants me to elaborate by breaking the song down line by line. Originally I had just a few key lines from the song interpreted in the post that I put up on the message board and inevitably handed to Hetfield. (Sidenote: I gave James the message board version because I wanted him to read it exactly how it was posted: I wanted him to feel the sincerity of the very moment I decided to publicly share what his lyrics did for me. End Sidenote.)

I'm uncomfortable with the editor's suggestions because the reader is mislead in a few ways:
A.) if the reader is led to believe I handed James a letter, the reader will get a "To James, yada yada yada Love, Stephanie" feeling. I clearly state that I wrote something for the internet, for fellow Metallica fans, and that I never imagined James would actually read it. In fact, when I did hand the post to James, I never signed it. He simply saw it was written by StephBKNY (that is my message board name).

B.) I'd rather not share my interpretation of the entire song with the general public when I didn't share as much with the songwriter (again, that would be Hetfield!). It will give the reader the impression that James read a version of my story he didn't actually read.

C.) Interpreting the song line by line means I must revisit those emotions. Frankly, it is a trip I'd rather not take.

So now I sit here thinking, what do I do? I didn't sign a contract, so there are no legal obligations to submit my story. I'd like to e-mail the editor and request he pull my submission. Of course, I will give him an explanation, he certainly deserves that. I'm just not so sure if he will still respect me after I go back on my word.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say if you don't feel comfortable making his changes than tell him to publish it as is or not at all. If you have to go through the trauma of reliving that epxperience in your mind and you're not willing to do that then don't. If you feel his alterations change the meaning of your words then you shouldn't change them. His respect is important but your own respect for your prose is essential.

6:52 PM

Blogger mcgibfried said...

never let anyone change your word... in doing so, they change your meaning. if the editor didn't like the work you did to begin with, they wouldn't have asked for your submission.

3:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think every day about meeting Metallica. It was a very special day to be there the same time as you made it that much better. I'm not much for words, but It's important to share what happened when you meet James with more people. Being there made me feel so much respect being a fan of them. Lars trusting us with the concert date was cool also. I think it should be in the book the way it went down no Hollywoodizing the details.

1:31 PM

Blogger Stephanie Giannetti said...

Train, you peaked over my shoulder! Lars wasn't making you swear to keep a secret, he knows you can take him LOL You are like three times his size! LOL

And yes, it was a great day, I'm glad you were there with me too!

1:39 PM


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