"Freedom of speech is words that they will bend, Freedom with their exception...."

Thursday, September 01, 2005

When It Rains, It Pours

This has been my week so far:

On Tuesday morning my $300 HDTV burnt out. It is under warrantee so I have to look into where Magnavox wants me to send it. This sucks one more than one level because it is my bedroom TV and I love nothing more than watching my Direct TV in bed.

Wednesday (last night) I get a $250 cell phone bill. Never in my life! I swear! I have no idea how I talked so much in one month. Normally my cell phone bills are the minimum amount and I have leftover minutes. Go figure!

Thursday (this morning) one of my adult cats, Tyler, has a urinary tract infection and has to be taken to the Vet ASAP. Since I'm at work, I'm giving my best friend some cash to go take him to the Vet for me. She is out of work and can use the money anyway. Since she doesn't have the key to my apartment, I called my landlord to tell her to let my friend in. In conversation, I told my landlord that my friend will be taking my cat to the Vet. She (the landlord) then decides to tell me that she "meant to talk to me about the cats." She is fine with my two adults cats whom I moved in with, but the new kitten has to go. She "can't take three cats." I keep my apartment cleaner than hers and they are quiet, so I'm not sure what she meant. When she gets the rent tonight, I plan on asking her why the 7 week old kitten is being evicted.

I was going to ask her if my boyfriend can move in but I can tell that is a no-go. I'm pretty sure the last tenant wanted his girlfriend to move in and she said no, so he moved out. I say this because when I first moved in (over a year ago), she said her old tenant had a girlfriend and "just couldn't be alone" and that was why he moved. I didn't ask her to elaborate because I had just met her. Ironically, she has a live-in boyfriend. Now, I'm 30 and my boyfriend is 36. We want to take things to another level, so I guess I will be apartment hunting with him. We will be looking for a place that will take three cats. I think of my cats as my kids, so I'm not getting rid of any of them. The first two I have are brothers (same litter) so I wont separate them. As for the kitten, I'm already attached to her.

Can we start the three day weekend NOW?!


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