"Freedom of speech is words that they will bend, Freedom with their exception...."

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

iPod Debate

Ok, I've been having this debate with myself: I want an iPod Nano, but is it worth it?

I already have the old school 20GB iPod with Clickwheel, and I love it! I'm not someone who put every CD I own on there, I actually only put the stuff I have been listening to for the last few years. Out of the 5,000 song that can fit in there, I have almost 1500. I quickly learned that live shows take up most of your GBs (thanks Metallica!). I'm not saying all my iPod space is used, I think I have about 8 GBs left.

Anyway, I'm a junkie for stuff like this. Lately I've been tempted to get an iPod Nano, especially now that it fits 1000 songs and comes in black. I always said the iPod would be perfect if it came in black. I know all iPods are now available in black, but the size of the Nano appeals to me. I think it would be convenient for biking and rollerblading.

I can't seem to decide on actually buying one because: a. I already have an iPod that works well and I love, b. if I'm getting a Nano, a second iPod, is it worth spending the money for the one that holds 1000 songs, or do I go for the 500 song model? And of course, I'd have to decide which songs I want to bike and skate too, which ones I can live without for that time period. That's a task I'm kind of dreading.

Anyone think I should say fuck it and just get the second iPod?


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