So Annoying!
So two weeks ago my landlord says someone wants to come see the apartment on 10am that Saturday. Anthony and I get up on what feels like the butt-crack of dawn for the weekend (7am) and P.S. the woman never showed up. Fast forward to last night.
My apartment looks like who did it and ran: there are boxes everywhere because I'm in the midst of packing and organizing the move. She calls me to say a woman wants to see the apartment. My landlord ASKED me when it was ok for someone to come by. I returned her call and told her it wont be ok till Sunday, when I move. To make a long story short, she is annoying me. She is insisting that it is ok for a stranger to waltz into my apartment in the shape that it is in, at a time when things are hectic for me. I'm trying to split my time between finalizing my move (there is also the chore of calling the utility comapnies, DirectTV, etc.) and cleaning the new place before Saturday, all while keeping what is left of my sanity intact.
I'm all paid up with rent for the month of October. I still live there, I think I have rights to say who comes by and when. I think I need to start drinking more, or maybe I should start smoking something. Anything. I just need some sanity.
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