Things That Stick In My Craw: The At Work Edition
I sit at the front desk at work. When I am away from my desk because I am at lunch, working on a project, or out for the day, there are 3 different women who sit here to cover phones for me. I have a few pet peeves I would like to rant about here:
1. My desk is neat and organized. When I leave it, even for five minutes, I expect my desk to remain neat and organized. The women who cover for me leave it looking like a truck drove through it.
2. My Boss gave me a Mike Piazza mouse pad for Christmas. Lately when I come back to my desk I see ink doodles on it. This outrages me. The mouse pad is my personal property. Since none of us work at Shea Stadium or for the MLB, I’d like to think they know that as well. So why deface someone else’s mouse pad? I don’t go around drawing on their desks, although my Boss suggested I do so.
3. I have pictures on my desk of my Metallica Meet & Greet. So it is four pics with me a different guy in each. My boyfriend’s pic is my wallpaper. Please do not confuse the four of them. I realize these women do not know who the men of Metallica are, but “Your boyfriend’s pic fell down by accident” is still a ridiculous statement. Last time I checked, my boyfriend’s name is Anthony. Not James. Not Lars. Not Kirk. Not Rob. ANTHONY. And he works for a law firm, not a heavy metal band. Thank you. Please listen closely next time I mention his name.
4. Making me wait five minutes longer to return to my own desk because you are finishing up Yahoo! Games is unacceptable. When I am back from lunch, please take your belongings, log off and go slack off at your own desk.
I’m at my Witt’s end. I can’t comprehend why it is so difficult to respect others and their property. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto yourself.” I don’t think that is too much to ask.
I agree with all you say~people have nerve though! All I can say is "When the world gets in your face I say....HAVE A NICE DAY!"
4:12 PM
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