"Freedom of speech is words that they will bend, Freedom with their exception...."

Thursday, June 15, 2006

You're The Cats Meow!

I LOVE cats so I'm getting a huge kick out of this:

Original story here.

A(meow)rican idol

Claws are out as 10 cats vie for dream job
by sharing quarters in Meow Mix House

This cathouse welcomes peeping toms.

Since Meow Mix has launched both a kitty cafe and a tabby television station, it's no surprise that the cat food maker has turned to reality TV on Animal Planet with "The Meow Mix House."

In "The Real World" tradition, 10 cats are sent to live in a swanky apartment specially designed with felines in mind. It's stocked with an aquarium, scratching posts, loft beds and even a backyard with barbecue. The "cat-testants" - picked from shelters and rescue groups in 10 cities and tended 24-7 by members of the ASPCA - compete in various challenges to prove they are Meow Mix Material, such as purring, catching toy mice and falling asleep.

Voiceovers add a splash of drama and fun, although any onscreen romances have been nipped in the bud (each pet is spayed or neutered).

Starting tomorrow and then every subsequent Friday at 9 p.m., one cat will be evicted from the house each week in 10, three-minute long segments hosted by comedian Tom Shillue. In the Aug. 18 finale, the judges' pick of the litter is crowned feline vice president of research and development at Meow Mix in charge of taste-testing new products.

Viewers also can visit www.MeowMixHouse.com to vote for the Viewer's Choice, who also lands a job with the company. And everyone leaves a happy kitty, because each former stray is sent home to a loving family with a year's supply of Meow Mix.

City spectators can catch the action firsthand at the pet penthouse on 425 Madison Ave., or visit the Web site, where Web cams broadcast the action in real time and each mouser has a photo, bio and blog posted.

So what will get a puss booted from the house? "No missing the litter box," says promoter Keith Fernbach.

Originally published on June 15, 2006


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