Quick Ramblings
I realize I have posted in a while. I've been really busy since my last post, and a little lazy. Recently, a few things have been on mind mind:
*I grow increasingly unhappier at my job each day. I do not like my new responsibilities. The tasks are tedious, extremely simple (a monkey can do this) and I do not have enough work. My mind needs to be challeneged, and it is not happening here. I also need more money. That isn't happening here either. The problem is, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Funny, my uncle is retired and still says that about himself.
*The London Bombings freaked me out. I had flashbacks of 9-11. At first news of the bombings, a friend who is from London said she didn't understand why someone would do something like that, and she didn't like that her home was now "a vortex of fear." I know how she feels. More flashbacks for me: she spent days trying to track down friends. She found two in the hospital and they will be ok. One was found dead. RIP Jamie Gordon, Kat says you were wonderful. Seeing people in London with MISSING persons flyers, and knowing they are about to hear dreaded news, gave me flashbacks as well. That was New York almost 4 years ago. I wasn't the only one who had 9-11 flashbacks. Everyone I know went through it this past week. What Londoners don't know yet is, the pain never goes away, it just gets easier to live with.
*I have about 5 Blogs in DRAFT form. I'm still determined to finish one in particular, maybe this weekend.
*One Blog in a draft which is now out of date is about Americal Idol. I think it was fixed. I mean, Constantine got voted off before Scott Savol? And Bo Bice loses the finale to Farmbot (Carrie Underwood)? Ok, the girl has a nice voice, but she has no stage presence. She looks shell-shocked as she sings. Is she performing or waiting for someone to shoot an apple off of her forehead? I think she won because Simon wanted her to win. I do not think our votes actually count. Every music critic and DeeJay had Bo winning, AOL had him winning too. Everyone I know voted for him. A Top 24 Idol who I know, interviewed fans on the red carpet during the Finale and couldn't find one Carrie supporter, they were all there for Bo! I smell bullshit!
So, I'm almost a month into my 30's, and I'm still in transition mode about a few things in my life. Is this a second coming of age, or an early midlife crisis?