"Freedom of speech is words that they will bend, Freedom with their exception...."

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

This Just In....

There will be no Nativity Scene in Washington , DC this year. . . 2005!

The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that there cannot be a Nativity Scene on the White House lawn in Washington , DC this Christmas season. This unfortunate decision isn't for any religious reason.

Though the committee searched for months, they simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin over the age of four in the Nation's capitol.

The committee did find that there was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Tis the Beginning of the Holiday Season

My four-day weekend started early when the office closed at 3. On my way home I stopped at Keyfood to get ingredients for my M&M cookies and Rice Krispies Treats for Thanksgiving. The Christmas bug bit me once I got home, because I quickly took out my Christmas boxes and put up everything that doesn't go on the tree. Once I was done with that, I made dinner and we I went to bed. Thanksgiving activities included a special breakfast, watching the parade as I baked, and then heading to Anthony's parents' home for dinner. His Mom made a very nice spread.

We braved the Black Friday crowds in search of the perfect [artificial] tree (I will include pics in a future Blog). We picked out a beautiful 7 1/2 footer. Once home, I trimmed the tree while Anthony watched for a few minutes before he headed out to do our laundry. The rest of the weekend was about relaxing. We did minor errands on Saturday (the butcher and food shopping) and celebrated his Step-Dad's Birthday on Sunday. It was a very quiet weekend and we really enjoyed ourselves.

Now that all of the decorating is done, it is time to dive head-first into gift-shopping mayhem! Tis the Season!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Giving Thanks

My boyfriend keeps a Blog on his myspace page. Recently he has written two Blogs that mention me. In one Blog, he calls me "Chef Steph" and brags about my home-cooking. In another Blog, which he wrote for Thanksgiving, I am the first on his list of what/who he is giving thanks for this year.

I have to reiterate something that the both of us say to each other quite often: if you sat me down a year ago, and told me that one year from now I'd be living in the Bronx with this amazing person who truly loves me, I'd ask " what are you are smoking, and why aren't you sharing any of it?"

The truth is, for the past two years I have had a lot to be thankful for not only on Thanksgiving, but every day of the year. From the birth of my nephew, to having a roof over my head, friends old and new, family, and a long list of other cool experiences (meeting Metallica and everything I saw and did since being in the MetClub is right at the top of the "experiences" list), I must say, I'm being smiled down upon.
Anthony certainly tops my list this year. 2004 was fun-filled, but between the action there was still a void. After the ball dropped on New Years Eve, and the confetti cleared, I was hopeful that 2005 would be different as far as the single life goes. I was hopeful, yet cynical. I spent Valentine's Day with my "married" friend Charlie. Prospect? Hell no. Charlie is gay and married to another friend of mine. Two weeks later, I "met" Anthony.

We started talking online the very last day in February and had our first date two weeks later. I never thought he would make the two-hour train ride from the Bronx to Brooklyn (going home for him made it a four-hour train ride for the day). But he did. To his credit he showed up for the first date. And the second. And the third. He just kept showing up. The rest, as they say, is history.

For that, I am thankful.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Once Again, He Is My Hero Of The Day

Every so often something or someone makes you smile from within. You know what I’m talking about: that warmth, that feeling of sincerity that surfaces from deep down in your subconscious, your soul. I’m not talking about the everyday things that make us smile from within on a regular basis: kind words from a co-worker or your boss, the comfort you receive just by talking with your family, the touch of someone you love, that look your significant other gives you that tells you exactly how they feel without using words.

All of that is priceless, but what I am talking about today is the unexpected, rare moments provided by those people and places it is least expected.

In a previous Blog I talked about an encounter I had with James Hetfield of Metallica. I talked about my Meet & Greet which took place back in March 2004. During that time I shared a personal story with James, one that explained how one of his songs helped me through a rough time in my life.
Click Here For The Story.

Aside of that heart-felt moment, James and I actually kidded a bit. To make a long-story short, I teased him about being the “Fonzie of Heavy Metal” because no one in metal is cooler than James Hetfield. He got a kick out of the Happy Days reference so much that he made sure I told the camera what I had said. It actually made a video on one of Metallica’s Official Web Sites. The link to that vid is listed to the right of this Blog.

From that point on it became a running joke between us (and everyone else James came across, as far as I know. His bodyguard told me that James went backstage and told everyone that he is Fonzie. I know for a fact he told Lars, because Lars was talking to me when James was interrupting us by repeatedly saying “I’m Fonzie! I’m Fonzie!”). He even went so far as to do the Fonzie thumbs up and “AYYYY” while on stage (but off mic) when he would see me (I always had front row, on the coveted Rail). He actually did it during quite a few shows. At one point during the Tour I gave him a picture of The Fonz, but had superimposed his face over Henry Winkler. This was at the very end of the Tour. As he looked at the pic, he said he deals with being called The Fonz every day. ;)

Just a few days ago Metallica played a couple of shows with The Rolling Stones. My friend Matt had a Meet & Greet and mentioned me to James Hetfield. This is an excerpt of Matt’s story:

“….James came in and came to our end of the line. I thought I would be more nervous than I actually was around him. I have heard he can be very intimidating but being this is the first time I had met him I didn’t feel that about him. He had a very calm demeanor. He wasn’t too high and he wasn’t too low. Very even keel. I shook his hand and I don’t remember what I said exactly but I told him that StephBKNY [Blogger’s edit: StephBKNY is my name on the Metallica board] said hello and I reminded him that she called him Metal Fonzy during the Portland 2004 M&G. He smiled and immediately remembered who she was and asked how she was doing. He mentioned that she was at ALOT of shows on the tour and that she could always bring a smile to his face at least once a show. He told me to tell Steph that he said 'hello', shook my hand and he moved on down the line. I was thinking, 'Wow, I just met James Hetfield!'”

WOW! I would bring a smile to James Hetfield’s face at least once a show? ME? Brooklyn? That is one of the greatest compliments I have ever received, given who it is coming from. I’m at a loss for words except to say that once again, James Hetfield has given me that smile from within, that warmth. Once again, he has made my day, possibly my year. Once again, I have a reason to say kind words to this man. Yes, Metallica’s music is angry, yet it makes me so happy. Aside from the music, all of my experiences since joining the MetClub: all of the contests I won, meeting the band, the friends I have made, the shows, the Road Doggin’ it, have all been worth more than their weight in gold. When I first signed up for the membership I had no idea what was in store. I have to say I got way more than my money’s worth, more than I bargained for.

Metallica: James, Lars, Kirk, Rob, the MetClub staff, fellow Clubbers, etc. found a way to permanently etch a place for themselves in my heart. It is nice to know that I brought smiles to James’ face, since he [unknowingly] always does the same for me. Isn’t it funny how life works out sometimes?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Moved In!

Time flies doesn’t it? My last Blog was posted a few hours before my move to The Bronx. Since then so much has happened. Anyone who has moved knows how hectic it can be, just getting settled in, and that is where 95% of my energy has gone in the last three weeks. Yes, three weeks. November 12 was our third Saturday there (including the move day). It is hard to believe. Anthony and I feel as if we have been there longer. We concluded this is due to the fact that we have had so many things to do since we got there: unpacking, furniture shopping, general shopping, errands, etc.

I’m going to try and tell the condensed version of the last three weeks.

Anthony’s antique armoire broke right outside of his parent’s house. My 6-drawer dresser broker right outside of the new apartment. Thank you IKEA! (*ad sarcasm*) I was aggravated because I had a 5-drawer dresser and armoire waiting for me in Manhattan (semi-new from a friend) and we have no way of picking it up.

The cats were in the back of the truck in their carriers and it was their longest ride yet. We kept them in their carriers (which we put in the den) while we emptied the truck. We didn’t want to have to worry about where the cats were while unloading our things. Once everything was moved into the apartment, it was time to let the cats out of their carriers. The kitten was un-phased by it all. I wish I could say the same thing for the boys. I think Tyler took a while to leave his carrier and when he did he hid under the sofa that is in the den (it is the red sofa from my old living room, so it is familiar to him). Poor Jeremy, who is always a good boy, wouldn’t budge out of the carrier. A while later I hear him meowing and as I walk in to den I smelled that all too familiar smell pet owners dread: someone shit somewhere in the den. Anthony and I looked everywhere but couldn’t locate the “housewarming gift” from the cats or cats. Sure enough, the smell was right where Jeremy was! The poor thing shit himself! I lifted him out of his carrier to find the evidence. Somehow he managed to not sit in it. I cleaned the carrier and comforted him. When I put him down, he hid in the bathroom.

That was October 29. Anthony and I had a four-day weekend because we took off Halloween and November 1 to get settled. We pretty much went non-stop from there. Poor Anthony got sick a few days after the move and was home for the week due to doctor’s orders. In between unpacking and cleaning the new place, filling the fridge, etc., Direct TV came and installed service. We also scrambled to get a new bedroom set. We had no choice: without the armoire and dresser, we were short on closet space and most of my clothes were still in boxes. The bedroom set came on Tuesday, November 8 (at 8:45PM to our dismay). Luckily I was off for Veteran’s Day, so I set that whole day aside finally got my clothes out of boxes and stored away in the dresser. We are done, for now.

We still need a dinette set and a bookcase for the den. On the “things we don’t need but want anyway list” are: a new entertainment center for the entertainment system in the living room, and a new desk for the computer. Anthony’s parents gave us their old living room set (they just bought a new sofa, etc. so it was good timing). The set is cozy and in good condition. We really like it. Come January a new living room is on our list too, but I do like the one we have now. In case you are wondering, I still have my living room furniture from Ovington Court. It is all in the den, where it will stay. We want the den to be a chill out/computer/reading room.

So that is pretty much it. That is what I have been doing, getting settled. It does feel all settled in now, all cozy like home. Well, it is home! The cats grew to love it after only a few days. I’m lucky that way, they adjust quickly.

I have to say, I do love the new digs. We have a brand new bathroom and kitchen, so everything is immaculate. The new carpeting in the living room and den (that Anthony and I picked out) looks awesome too. This past week was the start of us sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying it all. It really feels like home, sweet home!