No Sleep Till....The Bronx?
As I sit here typing, it is a little past midnight. To my left, all of my possessions are boxed up and ready to go. This is my last Blog in Brooklyn. Tommorrow I am off to live in The Bronx. It is somewhat weird to me because in my 30 years I have never called anywhere home other than Brooklyn. It also feels familiar, because it is the same Borough my Mom grew up in, in a neighborhood ten minutes away from where my Grandmother and Aunt still live. I have spent so much time there between Holidays and other familial whatnots that it doesn't so much feel like a move to a different Borough, but a move to a different neighborhood.
Going back to calling a place like Brooklyn my home brings me back to an old Blog my friend Spider once wrote. In the Blog he questioned whether home is a place or a feeling. I think it can be a combination of both, but I digress. Rather than rehash his entire thought on the definition of home, I'll say this: home is where the heart is, and although I love Brooklyn dearly and my heart will always be there I found out I have a new home. It is with Anthony. Home, no matter what the Borough or neighborhood, is where he is.
As of November 1, I am not only moving The Bronx, I am going home. I'm both excited and nervous to start this life with him. I can't wait to see where it leads us.
Before everyone goes into a state of "I can't believe she is leaving Brooklyn" shock, just remember: You can take the girl out of Brooklyn, but you can't take Brooklyn out of the girl.