A few weeks ago I was invited to the opening night preview of a new musical. This Blog is a long-time coming. I'm highly recommending tat everyone catches this while they can. It is currently in NYC for a limited engagement, but I will get back to those dates and other info later.The new musical is about, well, music. And it is a story every rock fan/musician/starving artist can relate to.
Once Around The Sun takes place in New York City circa now. The play opens up with a rehearsal performance by B-Side, a rock band struggling to be heard in an era where pre-fabricated pop and hip hop stars are dominating the airwaves and easily wooing record executives. B-Side's band members are: Kevin, a Rob Thomas look-a-like who co-writes the lyrics and music, plays rhythm guitar and sings; Skye, the female vocalist and keyboardist who shares co-writing duties with Kevin, who is also her fiancé; Ray, the passionate lead guitarist, Richie, the silent drummer; and Dave, the comical/lovable stoner bass player. It then takes us to the wedding of a couple we never see. Minus Skye, the band acts as back-up to Lane Stevens, the troubled, alcoholic wedding band leader and uncle of Kevin.
Struggling with their dream of making it big verse their current reality, the band bitches and moans about their day job, the lack of people who attend their gigs, and an acquaintance named Waldo, who is enjoying his 15 minutes of fame thanks to his win on American Idol. [One character calls the show American I-suck, and they All agree that no one talented ever wins].
Cast in the shadows of their American Idol acquaintance, B-Side shares the stage with Waldo, therefore forced to go on at 2am and perform in front of the remaining 7 people. Notorious music diva/record executive Nona Blue approaches the band. They are pumped because they are under the impression that she wants to sign them all, only to learn her interest lies solely in Kevin. Kevin is now faced with a decision: does he leave his girlfriend, band mates, friends, and family behind to pursue his dream?
I wont make this post a spoiler, so you will have to go see this play for yourself. I, in fact, saw it twice. Once Around The Sun has appeal to music fanatics beyond the Broadway realm. It’s mix of pop, rock, swing and R&B. There are at least three of the songs that I cannot get out of my head. They can easily crossover from theatre and become radio hits.
Once Around the Sun is at the Zipper Theatre in NYC and has a limited engagement (until October 16). The theatre itself is cool: in the front there is a bar/lounge and when you enter the actual theatre, the seats are old, comfy used car seats. You can also take your drinks into the show with you.
The Zipper Theatre is on West 37th Street in Manhattan. For ticket info check out www.oncearoundthesun.com (the web site has limited previews of maybe 5 songs of the 21 in the show).