Every so often something or someone makes you smile from within. You know what I’m talking about: that warmth, that feeling of sincerity that surfaces from deep down in your subconscious, your soul. I’m not talking about the everyday things that make us smile from within on a regular basis: kind words from a co-worker or your boss, the comfort you receive just by talking with your family, the touch of someone you love, that look your significant other gives you that tells you exactly how they feel without using words.
All of that is priceless, but what I am talking about today is the unexpected, rare moments provided by those people and places it is least expected.
In a previous Blog I talked about an encounter I had with James Hetfield of Metallica. I talked about my Meet & Greet which took place back in March 2004. During that time I shared a personal story with James, one that explained how one of his songs helped me through a rough time in my life. Click Here For The Story.
Aside of that heart-felt moment, James and I actually kidded a bit. To make a long-story short, I teased him about being the “Fonzie of Heavy Metal” because no one in metal is cooler than James Hetfield. He got a kick out of the Happy Days reference so much that he made sure I told the camera what I had said. It actually made a video on one of Metallica’s Official Web Sites. The link to that vid is listed to the right of this Blog.
From that point on it became a running joke between us (and everyone else James came across, as far as I know. His bodyguard told me that James went backstage and told everyone that he is Fonzie. I know for a fact he told Lars, because Lars was talking to me when James was interrupting us by repeatedly saying “I’m Fonzie! I’m Fonzie!”). He even went so far as to do the Fonzie thumbs up and “AYYYY” while on stage (but off mic) when he would see me (I always had front row, on the coveted Rail). He actually did it during quite a few shows. At one point during the Tour I gave him a picture of The Fonz, but had superimposed his face over Henry Winkler. This was at the very end of the Tour. As he looked at the pic, he said he deals with being called The Fonz every day. ;)
Just a few days ago Metallica played a couple of shows with The Rolling Stones. My friend Matt had a Meet & Greet and mentioned me to James Hetfield. This is an excerpt of Matt’s story:
“….James came in and came to our end of the line. I thought I would be more nervous than I actually was around him. I have heard he can be very intimidating but being this is the first time I had met him I didn’t feel that about him. He had a very calm demeanor. He wasn’t too high and he wasn’t too low. Very even keel. I shook his hand and I don’t remember what I said exactly but I told him that StephBKNY [Blogger’s edit: StephBKNY is my name on the Metallica board] said hello and I reminded him that she called him Metal Fonzy during the Portland 2004 M&G. He smiled and immediately remembered who she was and asked how she was doing. He mentioned that she was at ALOT of shows on the tour and that she could always bring a smile to his face at least once a show. He told me to tell Steph that he said 'hello', shook my hand and he moved on down the line. I was thinking, 'Wow, I just met James Hetfield!'”
WOW! I would bring a smile to James Hetfield’s face at least once a show? ME? Brooklyn? That is one of the greatest compliments I have ever received, given who it is coming from. I’m at a loss for words except to say that once again, James Hetfield has given me that smile from within, that warmth. Once again, he has made my day, possibly my year. Once again, I have a reason to say kind words to this man. Yes, Metallica’s music is angry, yet it makes me so happy. Aside from the music, all of my experiences since joining the MetClub: all of the contests I won, meeting the band, the friends I have made, the shows, the Road Doggin’ it, have all been worth more than their weight in gold. When I first signed up for the membership I had no idea what was in store. I have to say I got way more than my money’s worth, more than I bargained for.
Metallica: James, Lars, Kirk, Rob, the MetClub staff, fellow Clubbers, etc. found a way to permanently etch a place for themselves in my heart. It is nice to know that I brought smiles to James’ face, since he [unknowingly] always does the same for me. Isn’t it funny how life works out sometimes?